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―Troll Physics


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Glove's information

Abilities or Passives

Power Speed
50 16


SlapsIconNew 40,000


We engage in a modicum of trolling, a subtle dance of jest and wit, where humor intertwines with mischief

Ability Cooldown

  • 6 seconds (Active)
  • 3 seconds (Extend ability)

Glove Navigation

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Slapstick is a slap-costing glove. It requires SlapsIconNew 40,000. It was released on February 9, 2024. Visually, this glove has an appearance of a cartoon glove hand with 4 fingers and 2 stripes on its back. When using the glove, the player's avatar will be changed to a black and white avatar, with multiple cosmetic differences based on how many slaps you have.

  • Equipping/unequipping the glove.
  • Slapping.
  • Walking, or stopping walking.
  • Jumping.
  • Chatting (plays a Charlie Brown adult sound).
  • Getting slapped.


  • No hat
  • Visor
  • Tophat
  • Comically Tall Tophat
  • Triple Tophat
  • Rich Troll


You have a base body with no changes to the body apart from white skin and a black shirt (apart from the face change).


Slap Requirement

  • Under SlapsIconNew 50,000


The body stays the same, however you do gain a visor on the top of the head saying: "Got :Trollface:? This visor is also a ugc item made by goqurt.

Slapstick glove Front

Slap Requirement

  • SlapsIconNew 50,000 to SlapsIconNew 99,999


The body stays the same, however a normal sized Tophat goes on the head where the visor was just located.


Slap Requirement

  • SlapsIconNew 100,000 to SlapsIconNew 249,999


Body stays the same however the normal Tophat on the head has grown bigger and is now, "Comically tall."


Slap Requirement

  • SlapsIconNew 250,000 to SlapsIconNew 499,999


No body changes, but the tall tophat on the head changes to 3 normal tophats stacked on top of each other. The hats are slightly tilted.


Slap Requirement

  • SlapsIconNew 500,000 to SlapsIconNew 999,999


The body now has a gold chain necklace saying: "Troll" The hat on the head shrinks and becomes golden as well.


Slap Requirement

  • SlapsIconNew 1,000,000 and above


Every time you spawn in, you get a random Trollface, there are a total of 9 Trollfaces you could have.


Slapstick's ability is called "Skedaddle". Holding the ability will make the user run and build up speed on the spot until the ability is released, which will send the user into a high-speed sprint in a cartoon style, slowing down until they stop. The ability knocks players back if they are hit. The ability can be held down longer at the start to go faster. The user can float similarly to Charge during the ability but cannot jump to gain altitude. This cannot be used immediately after pressing E as the ability will be cancelled. This will still put you on cooldown.

Slapstick's passive allows the user's arm to grow in length when holding down the slap button, allowing players to slap from further away, and only slapping when the user lets go of the slap button, the arm will retract back to its normal size, starting a 3-second cooldown.

GLOVE TIP: There are multiple good combos you could do. 1) First, slap the player (Without getting slapped or trading), next use the extended arm and slap them, then use the skedaddle ability (hold for 3-5 ish seconds) and ram into them. This will most likely lead the player you are attacking into the void. 2) Hold the skedaddle ability and hold the arm grow ability as well, leading you to be able to slap a player, then ram into them. Dealing massive knockback and, of course, hitting them into the void. 3) (This is likely the best combo) Charge the skedaddle, hit the player with it, then hold the arm growth ability and slap them away. This will leave them unable to attack you. Flicking also helps with all of these strategies.

Pros and Cons


  • Good power and speed.
  • Can have a range longer than Extended and Coil.
  • Top speed is faster than Speedrun.
  • Can slap players while using the ability.
  • Great for killing one-shots as you can easily run away or hit them from long range.
  • Can continue the Skedaddle ability after being trapped.
  • You won't die to bob if your extended arm touches him.
  • Similarly to Charge, you can float on the air while using the ability and can also be used as an alternative.
  • Good for escaping sticky situations.
  • Can easily counter Defense.
  • You can combo easily.
  • This glove can be used as an alternative for Joust and Charge.
  • You can travel to islands fast and quick, even being able to travel to Cannon Island.
  • You can hit multiple players with the Skedaddle ability.
  • Great for grinding slaps.
  • Good against players camping on islands.
  • You can flick with the extended arm.
  • You can slap while the glove is retracting to the user.
  • You can't tell who the player is unless you look at their username or slaps.
  • You can grow your arm while using the skedaddle ability.
  • Short cooldowns on both abilities.
  • Good for running or hitting people away.


  • The avatar changes make you a big and recognizable target.
  • If you overcharge or undercharge the slap range, you may miss your target.
  • Using both the ability makes you extremely vulnerable to being attacked.
    • If someone hits you while you are charging the ability, the ability is cancelled and put on cooldown.
  • Can't bypass Reverse.
  • You don’t know when the passive is ready to be used again.
  • You can get hit by abilities or get slapped while skedaddling around.
  • Growth is ineffective against speed boosting gloves like Speedrun.
  • The hitbox of slapstick's passive can sometimes be a little awkward, this could be due to lag.

Update History

Changes Date
Slapstick was added. February 9, 2024
An invisible cooldown for Slapstick's passive ability was added. February 9, 2024
Fixed inconsistencies with the passive's cooldown. February 10, 2024
Slap requirement increased ( SlapsIconNew 39,000 -> SlapsIconNew 40,000). April 12, 2024


  • This is one of the two with four fingers, opposed to the usual five fingers. The other is el gato.
  • This glove was suggested by The Gravity Breaker, the main artist of the game.
  • When having Slapstick equipped, you will have unique sounds for jumping, slapping, getting slapped, falling into the void, chatting, and walking.
    • The sound for when you slap is the same sound that Ping Pong’s ability makes.
    • The sound for chatting is the same sound used in Charlie Brown when the adults speak.
    • This is the second glove to have a unique sound for being slapped. The first is Kinetic, and the third is the schlob.
  • This is the 2nd glove to have the word "slap" in its name, the first is Slapple.
  • The model looks very similar to the rubber-hose cartoon style gloves of Mickey Mouse, the Super Mario Brothers, Sonic the Hedgehog, and various other characters.
  • A small bug occurs when extending the glove and then swapping to the boombox item, as the player will hold the boombox horizontally in their right arm.
  • This glove's abilities are very similar to Joust’s, giving you a speed boost and larger range.
  • This is the only glove that has something changing depending on your amount of SlapsIconNew Slaps, this being the accessories given to you upon spawning.
  • As moderators or above can change their slap numbers, Rudy used this to make a video showing all the avatar items for this glove.
  • If you extend your arm and then switch to the radio without clicking, you can re-equip your glove to have it floating away from your avatar.
    • You can also slap with the glove at this extended range, but doing so will retract it as normal.
    • There used to be a glitch on release day where not all servers had the updated content when the glove was first released; a similar incident also happened with Retro.
  • This glove appears to be based on slapstick humor, a style of humor prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s, involving clumsiness, excessive injuries or embarrassment.
  • This is the 6th glove to grant the user extra slapping range/hitboxes. The first is Extended followed by T H I C K, Orbit, Retro, Dual, and Glovel.
  • Mobile users don’t have to hold their screen to activate Slapstick passive, as they have a button.
  • The old banner was scrapped likely because it did not fit the troll theme of the glove.
  • The only glove or thing in the game that rewards you if you have 250k+ slaps, that being how the avatar changes.
  • Originally, the arm growth ability had no cooldown, meaning you could combo players easily similar to Extended.
  • You can travel Moai island, to Cannon Island, back to Moai island, and back to the main island.


Gloves title
Slap Costing Gloves
spin • Default • Dual • Diamond • ZZZZZZZ • Extended • Brick • Snow • Pull • Flash • Spring • Swapper • Bull • Dice • Ghost • Thanos • Stun • L.O.L.B.O.M.B • Za Hando • Fort • Magnet • Pusher • Anchor • Space • Boomerang • Speedrun • Mail • T H I C K • Golden • Squid • MR • Hive • Reaper • Replica • Defense • Killstreak • Reverse • Shukuchi • Duelist • woah • Ice • Gummy • Adios • Blocked • Divert • Engineer • Rocky • Coil • Conveyor • Balloony • Phantom • el gato • Wormhole • Shackle • STOP • Track • Tableflip • Shield • Booster • Ping Pong • Baller • Home Run • Whirlwind • Slicer • Excavator • Nightmare • Thor • Pocket • Grapple • Cloud • Gravity • Parry • Jebaited • Meteor • Oven • Guardian Angel • Sun • Ferryman • Blackhole • Blink • Prop • Slapstick • Beatdown • Chicken • BONK • Sbeve • Golem • Grab • UFO • Demolition • Beachball • Shotgun • Error • 64 • Roguelike• God's Hand • The Flex
Paid Gloves
OVERKILL • Spectator • CUSTOM • Ultra Instinct • Titan • Vampire • Cannoneer • Killerfish
Badge Gloves
MEGAROCK • Plague • Hallow Jack • [REDACTED] • bus • Mitten • Phase • Warp • Bomb • Bubble • Jet • Shard • potato • CULT • bob • buddies • Moon • Jupiter • Spy • Detonator • Rage • Trap • Orbit • Hybrid • Slapple • Disarm • Dominance • Link • Chain • Rattlebones • Charge • Tycoon • Confusion • Glitch • Snowball • Elude • RNG • fish • 🗿 • Obby • Voodoo • Goofy • Leash • Flamarang • Kinetic • Berserk • Sparky • Boogie • Recall • Quake • Psycho • Kraken • Counter • Hammer • rob • Rhythm • Rojo • Hitman • Retro • Null • Lure • Tinkerer • Necromancer • Alchemist • Druid • Jester • Scythe • Santa • Iceskate • Blasphemy • Pan • Admin • Joust • Firework • Run • Glovel • Divebomb • Lamp • Knockoff • Frostbite • Plank • Spoonful • the schlob • Siphon • Wrench • Hunter • Relude • Avatar • Water • Fan • Boxer
Event Gloves
Hallow Jack • Rattlebones • Necromancer • Witch • Mitten • Snowball • Santa
Looking Glass
Scavenger Gloves
Error • spin • potato • Killerfish
Staff Gloves
barzil • Clone() • edgelord • sus • minecraft • Train • BOBBLE • TABLE • gum • Nimbus • Killerfish • manspider • Frost God • KING SBEVE • IMAGINARY GLOVE • Extendeded • boogiewoogie • TERRY • Slayer
Blocked pov1
Removed/Replaced Gloves
Obama • Lego • Coil (Scrapped) • Pilot • nah • Fakeout • Dream • Cheeky
Slap Royale Gloves
Pack-A-Punch • Vigorous • Aerialist • Tank • Pow • Faculty • Revenge • Juggernaut • Void • Aquarius • Thundercaller • Missile-Launcher • Glacier • KABOOM • Witch • Vampire • Cannoneer
Other Gloves
Acrobat • Slapple (Collectable) • Golden Slapple • Snowball (SS) • Zombie • Lantern
Fortnite Gloves
White • Gravity • Extended • Big • Dash • Shield • Shockwave • Snow • Speed • God • Special

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