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语法知识 冠 词 冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词 。 1. 不定冠词的用法。 ( 1 )用在可数名词前表示 “ 一个 ” 。 eg. There is a book on the desk. (2) 表示 “ 某一个 ” A Mr. White is waiting for you downstairs.

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Presentation on theme: "语法知识 冠 词 冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词 。 1. 不定冠词的用法。 ( 1 )用在可数名词前表示 “ 一个 ” 。 eg. There is a book on the desk. (2) 表示 “ 某一个 ” A Mr. White is waiting for you downstairs."— Presentation transcript:



3 语法知识 冠 词

4 冠词可分为不定冠词和定冠词 。 1. 不定冠词的用法。 ( 1 )用在可数名词前表示 “ 一个 ” 。 eg. There is a book on the desk. (2) 表示 “ 某一个 ” A Mr. White is waiting for you downstairs. (3) 表示 “ 一类 ” A horse is a useful animal. (4) a, an 与 one 的区别: a 和 an 强调类别,而 one 强调数量上的区别。如: We need a doctor. 我们需要一名医生,强调的意 思是 “ 医生 ” ,而不是 “ 教师 ” “ 律师 ” 等其他职业。

5 We need one doctor. 则强调:我们只需要一位医 生,而不是两位、三位。 (5). 表示 “ 每 ” ,相当于 per. We are allowed to drive at fifty miles an hour. (6). 与表示 数量的词连用 a bit; a great deal; a few ; a little; a lot of ; a good many; a number of

6 2. 定冠词 the 的用法 ( 1 )表示文中再次提到的人和物。 eg. There is a book on the desk. The book is an English book. (2) 用在介词短语,分词短语,或定语从句的 名词前。 The man speaking at the meeting is our teacher. the music of the film The computer John bought yesterday is made in New York.

7 (3) 表示特指的人或物(即说话时彼此都知道的事 物)。 例如:老师要求学生 :Look at the blackboard./ Open the door, please. 表示师生都知道的哪个黑板和门。 ( 4 )表示世界上独一无二的事物。 如: the sun, the earth, the moon, the capital, the sky, the universe 但在 in nature (在自然界), in space (在太空)等短语中, nature 和 space( 表示 “ 太空 ” 意思)前通常不用冠词。

8 (5) 用在单数可数名词前表示类指。 注意以下几种类指用法的区别: A horse is a useful animal. The horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 不定冠词接单数可数名词意思是任何一个,而定 冠词接单数可数名词则强调整个类别。 例如:虎面临着灭绝的危险,不能说 A tiger is in danger of dying out. 而应说 The tiger is in danger of dying out (强调全部,整个类别)再比如 Do you know who invented the telephone? 而不能说 Do you know who invented a telephone?

9 (6) 乐器的名称前通常用定冠词。 eg. the piano, the violin…. (7) 年代、朝代的词前通常用定冠词。 eg. In the 1990’s, in the Tang Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, in the Warring States Period (8) 用作名词的方位词前通常用定冠词,用作副词 则不用。 n. eg. in/on/to the south/north/east/west of.. on the left/right adv. eg. Vietnam lies on the south of China. Vietnam lies south of China. Turn left.

10 (9) 在表示阶级、阶层的词前通常用定冠词 eg. the ruling class, the working people (10) 形容词或分词前用定冠词可表示一类人或事 物。 eg. the rich, the poor, the young, the old, the living, the wounded, the beautiful, (11) 姓氏名词前用定冠词表示一家人或夫妇两人 eg. the Curies, the Greens, the Smiths (12) 表示地理名词的专有名词前通常用定冠词。 这样的名词有:江、河、海洋、山脉、岛屿、海 湾、海峡等。 the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Alpes, the Philippines, the Persian gulf, the Pacific, the English Channel

11 (13) 序数词、形容词最高级前通常用定冠词。 the first, the best 注意: * 有时在比较级前也须用定冠词。 eg. He is the taller of the two. * 有时形容词的最高级前也可用不定冠词表示 “ 非常 ” 的意思。 eg. Hangzhou is a most beautiful city. 序数词前加不定冠词表示 “ 再一 ” “ 又一 ” eg : I could’t make a second try. 与 one, another 并列连用时,用 a third. eg:One is deaf, another is blind,and a third is lame.

12 (14) 在有些国家和民族的形容词前用定冠词表示 这个国家人的总称。 the English, the French, the Japanese, the Chinese (15). 用在人体部位名词前。 He seized me by the arm. (16). 与复数名词连用,指全体。 the masses the Chinese people (17) 用在书报、杂志、经典的名词前: I am reading the China Daily now. The Times is a foreign newspaper.

13 3. 不用冠词的情况。 ( 1 )在专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词前一般 不用冠词。 专有名词一般指人名、地名等前一般不用冠词。 如: Lei Feng, Marx, Beijing, Shanghai, America 等 词前不用冠词。但在含有普通名词的专有名词前 通常用定冠词。如: the United States of America, the People’s Republic of China 等。当专有名词表 示某一特定意义时,前可用冠词 。 eg. A Mr.Zhang came to see you just now. He is the Mr. Zhang you are looking for. He is a living Lei Feng. The Shanghai of today is quite different from what it used to be.

14 物质名词如 air, water, oil, coal, tea 等一般不加冠 词, 但有些物质名词可以个体化表示 “ 一种 ”“ 一 阵 ”“ 一杯 ”“ 一份 ”“ 一场 ” 等,这时前面可用不定冠 词。 eg. Longjing is a famous tea. I’d like to have a coffee. a heavy rain 一场大雨, a strong wind 一阵大风, a soup 一份汤, a big fire 一场大火. 抽象名词一般表示抽象的概念,为不可数。如: news, information, advice, culture, weather, fun 等。但也有一些抽象名词可以个体化表示一种、 一场、一番等。

15 eg. He wanted to give me a pleasant surprise. It’s a pleasure to talk with him. It’s an honour for you to have been sent abroad. The book is a great help to me. a success, a failure, a new culture, a struggle,

16 (2) 学科、球类、棋类名词前一般不加冠词。 eg. Maths is an important subject. He likes playing football/chess. (3) 一日三餐名称前一般不用冠词。 have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 但若指具体的某顿饭,尤其是有形容词修饰是要 用冠词。 a nice dinner (4) 季节、月份、星期前一般不用冠词。 in spring/summer/ autumn../Sunday/October.. 但若强调某一年的某一季节或月份时应用冠词 in the spring of that year I met him on a Monday last month.

17 (5) 节日前一般不用冠词。 如: at Christmas, on National Day, Children’s Day, Women’s Day 等。但在中国的那些传统节 日的名称前通常用定冠词。 the Spring Festival, the Dragon’s Day, the Mid- Autumn Day (6) 在街道、广场、公园、大学等名词前一般不用 冠词。 Nanjing Road, Wangfujing Street, Beihai Park, Qinghua University…. 但有少数也加定冠词。 the People’s Park, the Shanghai International Studies University

18 (7). 在某些独立结构中,不用冠词。 He entered the forest, gun in hand. (8) 表示人的职务、官阶的名词在句中做主语补足 语、宾语补足语、同位语或表语时前不用冠词。 指独一无二的职务前不用冠词。 如, We made him chairman of the students’ union. He was elected monitor of the class. As judge, he is very strict in his work.

19 (9) 表示对应关系的两个词若表示一个概念时前 不用冠词。 Father and son, husband and wife, teacher and student, town and country, enemy and friend. (10). 泛指名词复数前不用冠词 They are workers. (11).turn/go 作 “ 变 ” ,后面的名词前不用冠词。 He was a teacher before he turned writer.

20 (12). 称呼语之前不加冠词 : waiter,bring my bill,please. (13) 家庭称谓 如父母兄弟之前不加冠词 Father is out, but mother is at home. (14) 在以 As 或 though 引导的让步状语从句中, 表 语名词位于句首时, 不用冠词. Child as he is, he knows a lot about it. Fool as I was, I didn’t believe every word he said.

21 ( 4 )冠词的惯用法。 有些不可数名词在习惯使用中须加不定冠词。 They had a good time at the party. 常见的类型有: 1 )动词转化成名词。 take a break, have a rest, go for a walk/swim.. 2 )患 … 病 have a fever, catch a bad cold, have a headache/toothache/stomachache… 3) 同源宾语 live, die a..death, dream a..dream 有些个体名词表示抽象意义时前不用冠词. in prison, in hospital, go to church, in town, by hand, by radio, go to college, go to bed, at school, in pencil..

22 有无冠词的区别 1. in front of 在 …… (外)的前面 in the front of 在 …… (内)的前面 There’s a garden in front of the classroom. There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 2. in charge of 掌管;负责 in the charge of 在 …… 负责之下 An experienced worker is in charge of the project. The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.

23 3. at table 在用饭;吃饭时 at the table 在桌旁 He seldom talks at table. They sat at the table, talking and laughing. 4. by day 白天;日间 by the day 按日计 He works in an office by day. Cleaning women in big cities get paid by the day.

24 5. take place 发生;举行 take the place 代替;接替 When did this conversation take place? Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in England. 6. in words 用言语 in a word 总之 Please express your thought in words. In a word, I don’t trust you..

25 7. at times 有时;不时 at a time 一次 I do feel a little nervous at times. Pass me the bricks two at a time. 8. little 少;不多的 a little 一些;一点点 Hurry up, there’s little time left. Don’t hurry, you still have a little time.

26 9. out of question 没问题 out of the question 不可能 10. in possession of.. 拥有 …. in the possession of 被 … 所拥有 11.go to church 去做祷告 go to the church 去教堂 12. by sea 坐船, 取海路 by the sea 在海边.


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