《PAW Patrol》汪汪队立大功英文版 第二季[全46集][英语英字][1080P][MKV]

宝妈资源网收录的《PAW Patrol》汪汪队立大功英文版 第二季 全集46集,英语发音,内置英文字幕(可关闭,字幕的字体大小颜色也可以自己设置);每个视频大小约660M,资源总大小16.4G,单集播放时长约12分钟,1080P高清MKV格式,下载解压后可以在电视机或电脑、平板、IPAD、早教机、手机等各种智能设备播放,提供百度云网盘下载。

汪汪队立大功英文版 第二季 资源简介


汪汪队立大功(狗狗巡逻队)是加拿大电脑成像动画影集,由基思·查普曼创作。 内容叙述由一位热心、精通科技,名叫莱德的10岁小孩带领的小狗巡逻队,共同保护一个名为冒险湾的海岸城市的故事。


New pup Everest joins Ryder and the rest of the PAW Patrol team in Season 2 of the animated children's series.

《汪汪队立大功》(PAW Patrol)又叫狗狗巡逻队,是由加拿大人Keith Chapman创作的动画片。于2013年8月12日在美国首播之后,受到了广大小朋友们的喜爱。汪汪队立大功于2016年,由广州艺洲人文化传播有限公司与汪汪队立大功达成合作之后在中国播出,同样也受到了中国小朋友的欢迎。片子英语发音内嵌英文字幕,适合3-6岁的学龄前小朋友观看。有教育专家指出,给孩子看英文动画时,最好不要带字幕的,这样更能有效的锻炼宝宝的英语听力能力。

汪汪队立大功可谓是一个笑点超高的动画片,特别是大麦町犬Marshall,总能给大家带来意想不到的乐趣,借用某动画片的一句台词就是“Marshall,Marshall傻的可爱。” 哈哈,接下来让我们来详细了解下他们吧。汪汪队立大功讲的是一个精通科技的小男孩Ryder拯救了六条可爱的流浪狗,之后把它们训练成了一组本领高强的狗狗巡逻队的故事。队长Ryder是一个非常聪明的10岁小男孩,粉红色会飞的是卡颇犬是Skye,黄色开推土机的是英国斗牛犬是Rubble,蓝色开警车的是德国牧羊犬是Chase,橘色开气垫船的是拉布拉多寻回犬是Zuma,绿色开维修车的是混血犬是Rocky,斑点狗开救援车的是大麦町是Marshall。

汪汪队立大功英文版 第2季 视频截图

汪汪队立大功英文版 第2季 剧集目录

Watch Pups Save the Penguins / Pups Save a Dolphin Pup. Episode 1 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Penguins / Pups Save a Dolphin Pup

The pups help Cap'n Turbot discover who has been stealing fish from his boat; The team rescues a dolphin from a shallow stream where it's trapped.

Watch Pups Save the Space Alien / Pups Save a Flying Frog. Episode 2 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Space Alien / Pups Save a Flying Frog

When an alien crash-lands at Farmer Yumi's, the team helps the stranded pilot fix his ship; Marshall trains his pet frog Smiley for a jumping contest.

Watch Pups Save Jake / Pups Save the Parade. Episode 3 of Season 2.
Pups Save Jake / Pups Save the Parade

The pups must rescue Jake when he is trapped while exploring a cave; Alex puts too many balloons on Katie's parade float, which flies away.

Watch Pups Save the Diving Bell / Pups Save the Beavers. Episode 4 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Diving Bell / Pups Save the Beavers

The pups use Zuma's new submarine to rescue the stranded diving bell; A storm washes away Chompy the Beaver's dam.

Watch Pups Save a Ghost / Pups Save a Show. Episode 5 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Ghost / Pups Save a Show

The team investigates a ghost haunting the Lookout; Cap'n Turbot is trapped when the castle set of a medieval play collapses on top of him.

Watch The New Pup. Episode 6 of Season 2.
The New Pup

Ryder surprises the team with a new vehicle, the PAW Patroller, just in time to rescue Jake, who is lost at the South Pole.

Watch Pups and the Big Freeze / Pups Save a Basketball Game. Episode 7 of Season 2.
Pups and the Big Freeze / Pups Save a Basketball Game

The team races to clear the train tracks during a winter ice storm; The PAW Patrol forms an all-star basketball team.

Watch Pups Save an Ace / Pups Save a Wedding. Episode 8 of Season 2.
Pups Save an Ace / Pups Save a Wedding

The patrol saves their favorite stunt pilot from engine trouble; The pups try to get to Farmer Yumi's barn in time for her wedding to Farmer Al.

Watch Pups Save a Talent Show / Pups Save the Corn Roast. Episode 9 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Talent Show / Pups Save the Corn Roast

The pups form a musical group for Talent Show Day; Bettina tips over barbecue coals and turns the annual Corn Roast into a popcorn festival.

Watch Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone / Pups Save the Deer. Episode 10 of Season 2.
Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone / Pups Save the Deer

Marshall skips parachute training but is left alone to round up escaped kittens; The pups rescue a family of deer stuck on the ice of the frozen bay.

Watch Pups Save the Parrot / Pups Save the Queen Bee. Episode 11 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Parrot / Pups Save the Queen Bee

The pups head into the jungle to help their friend Carlos find his lost parrot, Mateo; Cap'n Turbot must remove a beehive from the lighthouse.

Watch Pups Save the Mer-Pup. Episode 12 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Mer-Pup

Camping out under the magical Mer Moon, the patrol are transformed into Mer-Pups and perform an underwater rescue at a sunken ship.

Watch Pups Save an Elephant Family / Pups and the Mischievous Kittens. Episode 13 of Season 2.
Pups Save an Elephant Family / Pups and the Mischievous Kittens

On safari, the patrol reunites a lost baby elephant with her mother; Naughty kittens threaten Adventure Bay's victory in a Tidiest Town contest.

Watch Pups Save a Friend / Pups Save a Stowaway. Episode 14 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Friend / Pups Save a Stowaway

Embarrassed by his clumsiness, Marshall leaves the team and heads for the forest; The pups must save a runaway kitten in the frozen tundra.

Watch Pups' Adventures in Babysitting / Pups Save the Fireworks. Episode 15 of Season 2.
Pups' Adventures in Babysitting / Pups Save the Fireworks

The patrol babysits the mayor's niece and nephew, who go on a wild ride in Zuma's hovercraft; The patrol goes on a wild piglet chase.

Watch Pups Save a Sniffle / Pups and the Ghost Cabin. Episode 16 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Sniffle / Pups and the Ghost Cabin

The team comes down with a cold while trying to help Farmer Al capture escaped pigs; Jake cleans up an old miner's cabin in the woods.

Watch Pups Save an Adventure / Pups Save a Surprise. Episode 17 of Season 2.
Pups Save an Adventure / Pups Save a Surprise

Marshall and the patrol help Alex work on his Action Scouts fire safety badge; After a busy day, the patrol receives a pleasant surprise at City Hall.

Watch Pup-Fu!. Episode 18 of Season 2.

When the mayor steals an ancient scroll containing the secrets of Pup-Fu, the patrol tracks him to his secret lair on a mission to retrieve the relic.

Watch Pups Save the Mayor's Race / Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot. Episode 19 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Mayor's Race / Pups Save an Outlaw's Loot

The team helps out when Mayor Humdinger cheats during the annual Mayor's Race; Ryder discovers a treasure map at an outlaw's cabin.

Watch Pups Save Walinda / Pups Save a Big Bone. Episode 20 of Season 2.
Pups Save Walinda / Pups Save a Big Bone

The team rescues Wally's mate Walinda, who is having a baby; Digging for dinosaur bones, Cap'n Turbot and his cousin Francois are trapped on a ledge.

Watch Pups Save a Floundering Francois / Pups Save the Pop-Up Penguins. Episode 21 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Floundering Francois / Pups Save the Pop-Up Penguins

The pups save Cap'n Turbot's ship from sinking during a storm; Stowaway penguins escape from the train station.

Watch Pups Save a Snowboard Competition / Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea. Episode 22 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Snowboard Competition / Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea

Everest and Ryder rescue kittens stranded during a big snowboarding event; The team rescues a diving bell that has sunk to the bottom of the bay.

Watch Pups Save a Pizza / Pups Save Skye. Episode 23 of Season 2.
Pups Save a Pizza / Pups Save Skye

A traffic accident threatens a delivery of pizza dough to a big party on Jake's Mountain; Skye is helpless when her wing is broken in a snowy crash.

Watch Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show / Pups Save an Eagle. Episode 24 of Season 2.
Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show / Pups Save an Eagle

After a big storm, the team scrambles to make repairs in time for a big music show; The patrol rescues Chickaletta and an eagle ensnared by twine.

Watch Pups Bark with Dinosaurs. Episode 25 of Season 2.
Pups Bark with Dinosaurs

A fossil dig turns into chaos for Adventure Bay when dinosaur eggs hatch into three pterodactyls, a triceratops and a utahraptor.

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《PAW Patrol》汪汪队立大功英文版 第一季[全49集][英语英字][1080P][MKV]
《PAW Patrol》汪汪队立大功英文版 第三季[全48集][英语英字][1080P][MKV]

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