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关于”美丽的鱼“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Beautiful fish。以下是关于美丽的鱼的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Beautiful fish

Fish are the oldest vertebrates. They live in almost all aquatic environments on earth, freshwater lakes, rivers, and about species of fish have been found in the world. They live in water, distributed in the ocean and fresh water.

Two thirds of them live in the ocean, and the rest live in fresh water. Freshwater fish are mostly cold-blooded and rarely warm-blooded. They breathe with gills and have jaws and fins.

The existing fish can be divided into two categories: cartilaginous fish and teleost fish.




Fish is a kind of vertebrate living in water. Its gills will not change like amphibians. In its life, most of them are cold-blooded.

Although some fish (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded, there are more than species of fish, which makes them the most diverse vertebrate in taxonomy. Fish is a parazoon group, and its exact relationship Controversial. A common classification is the javelin fishes (jawless fishes, including lampreys and moray eels) cartilaginous fishes (cartilaginous fishes, including sharks and rays), and the rest are classified as teleosts (teleosts vary in size from (feet) whale sharks to stout baby fish one millimeter (slightly more than a quarter of an inch) in length The term "fish" is not a real fish, and in the case of jellyfish and cuttlefish, it is not even vertebrate.

Other marine organisms used to be considered as fish, such as dolphins, are actually mammals. Although most fish species are aquatic and cold-blooded, there are exceptions in both cases. Many different groups of fish have evolved the ability to live in long hours of water, Some amphibious fishes, such as mud lizards, can also live and move on land for a few days.

Some species of fish maintain their body temperature to varying degrees. Endothermic teleost (teleost) belongs to the scombroidei suborder, including flounder, tuna and a "primitive" mackerel (gasterochisma) All the sharks of melampus belong to the Lamnidae family - brachypterus bracteatus, Scomber Longfin, white shark, malachite, salmon shark - known for their ability to absorb heat, and there is evidence that this characteristic exists in the aloe family (threshing sharks). The degree of heat absorption is different from that of baleen whales.

The latter only warms the eyes and brain. For bluefin tuna and rat shark, their body temperature is kept above the ambient water temperature. It can also be seen that giant heat absorption has the advantages of enhancing muscle contraction and improving the processing speed of central nervous system.

In many cultures, fish are An important source of food. Other aquatic animals, such as molluscs, crustaceans and shellfish, are often referred to as "fish" when used as food. For more details, see fish.


鱼是一种生活在水里的脊椎动物,它的鳃不会像两栖动物那样发生变化,在它的一生中,大多数是冷血的,尽管有些鱼类(如金枪鱼和鲨鱼的一些物种)是温血的,但有超过种的鱼,使它们在分类学上是最多样化的脊椎动物,鱼类是一个副动物类群,其确切的关系备受争议。一个常见的分类是无颚鱼(无颚鱼纲,包括七鳃鳗和海鳗在内的种类)软骨鱼(软骨鱼类纲,包括鲨鱼和鳐鱼在内的物种,其余的被归类为硬骨鱼(硬骨鱼类有不同的大小,从(英尺)鲸鲨到一毫米(略超过四分之一英寸)长的粗壮的婴儿鱼许多种类的水生动物被称为“鱼”不是真正的鱼,而且在水母和墨鱼等动物的例子中,甚至不是脊椎动物其他的海洋生物过去被认为是鱼,像海豚,实际上是哺乳动物,虽然大多数鱼类是除了水生和冷血,这两种情况都有例外,许多不同群体的鱼类已经进化出在水外长时间生活的能力,有些两栖鱼类,如泥蜥,也可以在陆地上生活和移动几天,某些种类的鱼在不同程度上保持体温升高吸热硬骨鱼(硬骨鱼)都属于Scombroidei亚目,包括比目鱼、金枪鱼和一种“原始”鲭鱼(Gasterochisma melampus所有的鲨鱼都属于Lamnidae科-短鳍卷尾鱼、长鳍鲭鲨、白鲨、孔雀鱼,鲑鱼鲨-众所周知有吸热的能力,有证据表明,这种特性存在于芦荟科(脱粒鲨)中。吸热程度不同于长须鲸,后者只会温暖眼睛和大脑,对于蓝鳍金枪鱼和鼠比格鲨来说,它们的体温保持在高于环境水温的摄氏度以上,也可以看到巨热吸热虽然代谢代价高昂,但被认为具有增强肌肉收缩力、提高中枢神经系统处理速度等优点,在许多文化中,鱼是重要的食物来源。



"Mouse" I moaned, "is he here?" I stare in disgust at my stepbrother Benny, who is sitting in the back seat of dad's car. Benny was eight years old, short and thin, with Beaded eyes and big ears. Now that mom and dad are divorced, I only see dad every other weekend, and Benny is always shouting when he's destroying everything.

When we went hiking, he set up a bubble zoo and made him sneeze at a baseball game. He had peanuts in his nose. If dad was going to remarry, I don't know why he chose Benny's mother.

I mean, she's OK. Benny was included in the deal. It's a pity that dad and I went fishing in the deep sea for the first time today, and now it's spoiled, "Joe," Dad said patiently, "Benny "It's your brother"; "some brother"; "we'll have a good time," Dad promised, "it's best to bring a jacket." "I've got a glimpse of the Florida sky." "it's hot today." "the fishing boat is an old scabby bathtub, but when you pay only three hours of fishing dollars per person, you won't get Queen Elizabeth II on board, sitting on both sides of the deck On the bench, there were several people in the cabin; the captain's mate gave each of us a fishing rod and a bucket of bait before we set out "we'll give a big prize to whoever we catch the biggest fish," said the mate, "if you want to participate, you'll spend a dollar each"; dad gave him three yuan, I think it's a waste of money to pay Benny, he may not even hook; I Yes, the boy looked at the bucket suspiciously and made a face.

"What's the smell of this thing"; "dead fish," I told him, "do I have to touch it?" "if you want to hook your hook, you do." "come on, Benny," Dad said, "take the bait from my hook, and I'll use your rod in the water." "OK," Benny said, holding on to the handle of the rod as if his life were on it ; a breeze blows, the waves are rough, some clouds slide over the sun, and no one catches anything; and then Benny says, "something's cramping my line, what should I do?" "hit back" I told him I reached for his fishing rod. "I'll get it for you." "let him come, Joe," Dad said, "pull, Benny, hold on." "don't you know that, Benny caught the first bone. Did he act like a prize Marlin.



我们去远足的时候,他起了个水泡动物园让他在棒球比赛时打喷嚏他鼻子里有花生如果爸爸要再婚,我不明白他为什么选班尼的妈妈我是说,她没事,本尼被包括在交易中太可惜了今天爸爸和我第一次去深海钓鱼,现在它被宠坏了,“乔,”爸爸耐心地说,“本尼是你的兄弟”;“某个兄弟”;“我们会玩得很开心的,”爸爸答应“最好带件夹克”;“我瞥了一眼佛罗里达州的天空”“今天很热”;“渔船是一个结痂的旧浴缸,但当你只为每人支付3小时钓鱼的美元时,你不会得到女王伊丽莎白二世在船上,坐在甲板两边的长凳上,船舱里有几个人;船长的大副在我们出发前给了我们每人一根鱼竿和一桶诱饵 “我们给谁钓到最大的鱼就给谁发大奖,”大副说,“如果你们想参加的话,你一块要花一块钱“;爸爸给了他三块钱,我想给本尼付钱是浪费钱,他可能连鱼钩都不会上钩;我是对的,那孩子怀疑地盯着桶,做了个鬼脸。“这东西臭死了什么”;“死鱼,”我告诉他,“我一定要摸它吗”;“如果你想上你的鱼钩,你就要”;“来,本尼,”爸爸说:“拿着我的鱼竿鱼钩上的鱼饵,在水里我要用你的鱼竿”;“好吧”本尼说,他紧紧抓住鱼竿的把手,好像他的生命就在这上面似的;一阵微风吹起,波涛汹涌,一些云朵从太阳上滑过,没人抓住什么东西;然后本尼说,“有什么东西把我的钓索抽筋了,我该怎么办” “回击”我告诉他我伸手去拿他的鱼竿“我来给你拿”;“让他来吧,乔,”爸爸说“拉,本尼,抓紧”;“你难道不知道吗,本尼钓到了第一条鱼刺,他表现得好像是一条奖品马林鱼似的吗。


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