




  • Blender2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93,3.0



Simply Cloth Pro可以在Blender中快速模拟布料效果,多种预设可以直接调用

With this addon you can create Cloths faster and easier than before. You don’t need a lot of previous knowledge with the Cloth physics settings! You can simply select a presets and quickly adjust them to your needs. Of course some basic understanding of Blender would be nice. The addon is just a help tool to set up quickly and test your cloth objects in Blender!

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台1 Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台2 Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台3 Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台4 Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台5


implyCloth is a helper Addon for everyone who works with cloth in Blender.

With this addon you can create Cloths faster and easier than before. You don't need a lot of previous knowledge with the Cloth physics settings! You can simply select a presets and quickly adjust them to your needs. Of course some basic understanding of Blender would be nice. The addon is just a help tool to set up quickly and test your cloth objects in Blender!

It's all pretty much at the beginning and so I will put videos online one by one and announce them at Discord

Pro Features!


Wind Feature - Simply add wind and play with the strenght

Pin Group - Live Paint

Strengthen by Selection

Pressure - Live Paint

Simply Pin Layer System

Simply Sewing

Rotate/ Poked Faces - Topology for Testing

New UI in Edit Mode

**UPDATE 2020-09** - 2.90 READY


Basic Cloth Library in Blender 2.93

Intuitive Transition to Sculpt Cloth Mode

New Blender 3.0 extra Cloth Library for Asset Browser with Pro + Basic Cloth Library version

(6 Asset Folders included from Epic Bundle)

In the Basic Cloth Library there are some clothes and accessories for men and women from the EPIC ASSET BUNDLE. Of course not all from the EPIC ASSET BUNDLE are included! For that you need the 80$ variant!

Upgrade - Basic to Epic Assets Bundle

With this upgrade you get all the remaining assets, so you have all the assets as in the Epic Asset Bundle.

Just unzip the loaded file into the directory where the Basic Library folders are. That's it. You will have all the folders like the Epic Bundle!

This would only make sense if you have already bought the Pro Version + Basic Cloth Library.

Simply Epic Assets Bundle included with Pro + Epic Bundle  version (15 Asset Folders included)

More than 100 clothes for male and female and additional stuff like bows, loops, shoes, hats, masks

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台6

he Directory Path from downloaded and unzipped Asset File in Preferences/ Paths/ Asset Browser!

How to install:

Assts Installation for Blender 3.0f coursewnload "v.2.0-for-Blender-3.x-SimplyClothPro.zip" from orders and install this for Blender 3.0 or higher!

Go to Edit/ Preferences/ File Paths and add new Name (Epic Asset Bundle" and Path "Path of unzipped EpicAssetBundle.zip"

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台7

Afterwards create new Window and select "Asset Browser"

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台8

Now you can select the Library and get ALL Assets. So you can just drag and drop it to scene and work with it :)

Blender布料模拟生成插件 Simply Cloth Pro v2.0版本下载forCGer - 三维数字化设计分享平台9


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