
笑脸 logo是什么 牌子


smiley笑脸形象,始创于20世纪60年代末 法国“五月风暴”社会危机大背景之下,戴高乐“强人统治”时代的结束,使法国陷入低迷的社会环境。为了让人们早日从心理的阴霾中挣脱,法国记者FranklinLoufrani在法兰西晚报首度提出“微笑法国”理念,并向公众大力推广takethetimetosmiley的口号,而Smiley的形象也开始出现在该报刊版头,并对每一天所有正面的新闻进行标注,以此引导读者阅读正面新闻,度过愉快的一天。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The smiley logo is not a brand, it promotes a spirit that reminds people to face the power of a smile, because a smile can change lives and the world.

The smiley face image was created in the late 1960s under the background of the French "May Storm" social crisis. The end of the era of Charles de Gaulle's "strongman rule" brought France into a depressed social environment. In order to let people break free from the psychological haze as soon as possible, French journalist Franklin Loufrani first proposed the concept of "Smile France" in the French Evening News, and vigorously promoted the slogan of takethetimetosmiley to the public, and the image of Smiley also began to appear on the front of the newspaper, and he expressed his appreciation to the public. All positive news is marked every day, so as to guide readers to read the positive news and spend a happy day.