
研钵怎么 清洗




研钵是一种常用的厨房工具,主要用于研磨小量的食材,比如芝麻、黑胡椒、咖啡豆等。常见的研钵有瓷制、石制和木制,而研钵的棒则有不同的名称,下面就让我们来探讨一下研钵的棒叫什么吧。1. 研钵的棒叫什么?研钵的棒有不同的叫法,主要分为以下几种:- 研棒:这是最常见的称呼,也是最简单的名称。- 研杵:这是比较正式的称呼,多用于古代文化中。- 研臼棒:这个名称比较罕见,臼指的是研钵里面的凹槽,用来磨食材。2. 研棒的种类研棒有许多种类,具体根据不同材质和形状而定:- 瓷棒:瓷制研棒有光滑的表面和适中的重量,适合用来磨一些较小而软的食材,如芝麻和蒜泥。- 石棒:石制研棒表面会形成微细的凹痕,石质的重量和硬度可以更好地帮助研磨硬物料,如黑胡椒、海盐和各种辛香料。- 木棒:木制研棒较为轻便,适合用来磨些较小的食材,如橄榄油、鲜奶油和各种香料。3. 研棒的使用方法使用研棒的方法主要有以下几个步骤:- 先将需要研磨的食材放入研钵中。- 用一只手握住研棒的中间,另一只手扶住研钵的边缘,开始研磨。- 不断用研棒在研钵中转圈磨动,直至食材达到所需细度。研棒是一种十分有用的厨房工具,研磨出的食材不仅口感更佳,而且也更方便混合使用。不同种类的研棒适用于不同的食材,选择合适的研棒可以让你更容易地成功研磨出所需的食材。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Soak it with chromic acid washing liquid first, you can heat it properly, and then wash it in clean water; if there is any residue, then move it to soak in lye, so that it can basically be removed. A mortar is a container for grinding experimental materials in an experiment, equipped with a pestle. Commonly used are porcelain products, and there are also mortars made of glass, iron, agate, and alumina materials. Used for grinding solid substances or mixing powdered solids.

Mortars of different materials are selected according to the nature of the ground solid and the thickness of the product. Porcelain or glass mortars are generally used, iron mortars are used for grinding hard solids, and agate or aluminum oxide mortars are used for very careful grinding of lesser medicines. The basic principle of grinding is that the hardness of the thing to be ground is smaller than that of the grinding bowl. The best way to identify it is to scratch the thing on the mortar. If you can scratch the glass mortar, you must not grind it.