
如何把 胡萝卜切丁










1. 清洗胡萝卜:首先,要把胡萝卜洗干净。用水冲洗胡萝卜,去除表面的泥土和杂质。

2. 去皮:将胡萝卜去皮,可以用刀子轻轻削掉表皮,也可以用削皮器去皮。

3. 切片或切成块状:将已经去皮的胡萝卜切成片状或者块状,这样比较容易煮熟或者烹饪。

4. 煮熟或者蒸熟:将已经切好的胡萝卜煮熟或者蒸熟,可以用电饭锅、汤锅或者蒸锅来制作。煮熟的胡萝卜要用凉水冲洗干净,以免烫伤口腔。

5. 加工成其他食品:操作后的胡萝卜可以制作成各种美食,比如胡萝卜汁、胡萝卜沙拉、胡萝卜糕等等。

【英文介绍/For English】:

When cutting vegetables, the two feet should stand naturally and have an appropriate distance from the vegetable pier. Lean your upper body forward slightly, straighten your chest slightly, don't bend over and arch your back, and keep your eyes on the part of the pier where your hands are operating. When holding the knife in the right hand, pinch the hoop with the thumb and forefinger, and hold the knife handle fully. The left-hand control principle makes the raw material stable and does not slip, so that the knife can be dropped easily. The wrist should be flexible and strong when holding the knife. The placement of the vegetable pier should be suitable for its own height.

Specific steps:

1. Remove the two ends of the carrot;

2. Use a straight knife to change the carrot into a cube, and cut off the arc edge with a four knife;

3. Divide into two from the middle, and then divide each of the two raw materials into two, forming four long columns, so that the cross-section is almost square.

4. Stack the four strips of raw materials and cut them into cubes according to the side length of the cross-section, so that they come out quite evenly. When cutting, press and hold the carrot with four fingers together, cut the knife along the fingers, move the four fingers back, and then cut.