
哑光漆和 高光漆的区别在哪













【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Reflective effect: High-gloss paint will produce strong reflection in actual use, which will interfere with people's vision and cause visual fatigue; matte paint has a soft visual effect due to diffuse reflection and will not irritate the eyes. Therefore, high-end furniture on the market is generally made of matte paint.

2. Glossiness: matte paint is more resistant to dirt, the overall color of matte paint is dark, and high-gloss paint is prone to scratches or partial rain marks, which looks more flowery. Matte paint is a paint with a gloss of around 20, while high-gloss paint is a paint with a bright color.

3. Applicable occasions: high-gloss paint is used outdoors and is easy to lose gloss. Therefore, low-cost engineering facilities are usually painted with matte paint. Aliphatic acrylic urethane high gloss paint will do.

4. Abrasion resistance: matte paint is slightly better than high-gloss paint in terms of wear resistance and scratch resistance. For example, alkyd paint has good luster and strong decorative properties, but it has poor retention and is easy to scratch, lose gloss, and fade.

5. Applicable items: high-gloss paint is usually used for indoor mechanical equipment, marking paint, etc., and matte paint is mostly used for exterior walls and facilities that are in direct contact with the human body.

6. Visual effect: In terms of visual effect, high-gloss paint gives people a full, bright and full color experience, while matte paint gives people an elegant, pure, subtle and soft color experience.

The above is the introduction about the difference between matte paint and high gloss paint, I hope it can help you!