
为什么 博物馆禁止拍照

不许拍照的主要原因是拍照时闪光灯会损坏文物。我国木质建筑物、字画、丝绸制品、壁画等文物都年代久远,质地相对已比较脆弱,上面的彩漆、字画等也容易褪色、脱落,拍照时,闪光灯的反复照射对其破坏很大。因为普遍的可见光波长是在400 纳米至700纳米之间,低于400纳米的紫外线能量很大,容易被物体吸收,从而使物体变质。而高于700纳米的红外线能量小,不易被物体吸收,很安全。木材、植物、丝绸等物质都是高分子结构,含有纤维素或蛋白质,容易受光、电、细菌的影响而变质、损坏。我们使用的闪光灯型号不一,波长有长有短,但都是低于700纳米的可见光,或多或少对高分子结构的文物有破坏。此外,还有拍照还涉及到文物持有者的版权和安全等因素的考虑。









【英文介绍/For English】:

The main reason for not being allowed to take pictures is that the flash will damage the cultural relics when taking pictures. Our country’s wooden buildings, calligraphy and paintings, silk products, murals and other cultural relics are all old and relatively fragile in texture. The paint, calligraphy and paintings on them are also easy to fade and fall off. Because the common wavelength of visible light is between 400 nanometers and 700 nanometers, ultraviolet rays below 400 nanometers have a lot of energy and are easily absorbed by objects, thereby deteriorating the objects. The infrared energy higher than 700 nanometers is small, not easily absorbed by objects, and is very safe. Materials such as wood, plants, and silk are high-molecular structures, containing cellulose or protein, and are easily deteriorated and damaged by light, electricity, and bacteria. The flashlights we use are of different types, with long and short wavelengths, but they are all visible light below 700 nanometers, which more or less damages the cultural relics of the polymer structure. In addition, taking pictures also involves the consideration of the copyright and safety of cultural relic holders.