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提示:点击上方"小芳老师"免费关注哦 每日听力每日听力内容来自BBC英语六分钟,版权归BBC所有,仅供学习交流如有侵权也请后台联系。该节目英式英语,每日更新,和实际生活密切相关。每个听力文件6分钟,而且每次都有听力题目,可以用来备考四六级等各种英语考试考试。

听力方法:1. 听3-5遍以上,2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词 3. 盲听5遍以上。4. 留言处写下问题的答案。只要你留言,我就给你上墙,留言格式:昵称 天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4. Why do men want to have children? Evolutionary anthropologist Anna Machin wrote a book about it and tries to answer this question. Catherine and Neil - a father himself - discuss her theories and teach you six items of related vocabulary.

This week's question:

a) 55%

b) 75%

c) 95%

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.


Note: This is not a word for word transcriptCatherineHello and welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Catherine. NeilAnd I'm Neil. CatherineNow, Neil, you're a dad, aren't you?NeilI am a dad. How did you know? Is it the grey hair in my beard? Is it the wrinkles around the eyes?CatherineI thought that was just your age. NeilWell, yes, maybe.In today's programme we're going to be talking about fathers and how being a father has changed over the years. But before we hear more about this topic, our question for the day. According to recent research in the UK, what percentage of men are present when their children are born? Is it…a) 55%b) 75%c) 95%What do you think? CatherineI think a lot of men these days like to see their children born. It's not culturally inappropriate so I'm going to go for 95%. NeilWell, we'll find out if you're right at the end of the programme. Now, Dr Anna Machin is an evolutionary anthropologist. She studies, among other things, how human behaviour has changed and is changing. She's written a book called The Life of Dad. She's been studying new fathers and spoke about her research on the BBC's Woman's Hour programme. She asked why men want to become fathers. She starts by saying that there are lots of reasons but how many does she mention in her answer? Dr Anna MachinThere's lots of different reasons why men want to be fathers ... for some of them it's just a stage in life they've reached. They've got the house, they've got the job, now it's time to have a family. Sometimes theyadmitthat actually they're not thatkeen, but their partner wants a baby, so they're kindagoing along withit. And a reasonable number actually say they do it because they want to undo what their father did to them, so rewrite history in relation to fathers and the experience of fathering, to be a better father than their father was. NeilHow many reasons does she mention? CatherineShe mentioned three reasons. The first was that it was that time in life – the guys had a home and a job and having children was the thing to do next. NeilAnother reason was that it was what their partners wanted, even if they weren't thatkeenthemselves. If you'renotkeenon something it means you are 'not enthusiastic about it', it's not really something you want to do, but because it's what their partner wants they agree to it, or as Dr Machin said, they'regoing along with it.CatherineYes,going along with something, is a phrase that means 'agreeing to do' something even though you don't really want to do it. It's interesting that Dr Machin said that some menadmittothis. Toadmittosomething is to 'say or agree that something is true even if you're perhaps ashamed of it or you don't want it to be true'. NeilThere was one more reason she mentioned and that was that some men become parents because they want to be a better father than their own father had been. Let’s listen again. Dr Anna MachinThere's lots of different reasons why men want to be fathers ... for some of them it's just a stage in life they've reached. They've got the house, they've got the job, now it's time to have a family. Sometimes theyadmitthat actually they're not thatkeen, but their partner wants a baby, so they're kindagoing along withit. And a reasonable number actually say they do it because they want to undo what their father did to them, so rewrite history in relation to fathers and the experience of fathering, to be a better father than their father was. NeilSo what is it about some father's own dads that they didn't like? Here's Dr Machin again. Dr Anna MachinWell, in some cases, you know, the father would be neglectful, some fathers wereabsentand others they just felt they were a very, I suppose, we'd say a 1950s father so distant,disciplinariannot actually involved in their children's daily life and certainly not involved in their care. So today's generation fathers, even in the 10 years that I've been studying dads we've seen a massive evolution in howhands-onfathers are. NeilShe talks there about some negative characteristics associated with dads in the past. She suggests that some fathers didn't have a very close relationship with their sons, they wereabsentwhich means they weren't at home a lot and 'didn't spend time' with their children. CatherineYes, and some fathers were seen as adisciplinarian. That describes someone whose main communication with their children was to give them strict rules and tell them off or punish them if they did something wrong. NeilThese days, according to Dr Machin, fathers are much morehands-on. This phrase means they are 'much more involved' with their children and share bringing up their children with their partners. CatherineAnd talking of sharing, Neil, come on – it's time to know the answer to today's question. NeilYes, indeed. According to recent research in the UK, what is the percentage of fathers who are there when their children are born? Was it 55%, 75% or 95%? CatherineAnd I said a very optimistic 95%. NeilBeing optimistic is good obviously because you are correct. CatherineThat's fantastic! NeilAnd now, for something else fantastic, our review of today's vocabulary… CatherineWe started off withadmit tofor when you say something is true, even if it might make you look a little bit bad. And before we go on I have toadmit, Neil, that it was me who ate your biscuit. NeilWhich one? CatherineThe one that you left on the desk. NeilThat's all right. I wasn't reallykeen onit anyway. It had been on the floor. CatherineWhat? Yuck! NeilYeah, well, it serves you right! And to bekeen on something is our next phrase, meaning 'being very interested in and enthusiastic about' something. CatherineThen we hadto go along withsomething. This is when you agree to do something even if you are notkeen onit. NeilAnabsent fatheris one who is not at home to spend time with his children. CatherineAnd some fathers aredisciplinarians. They 'have strict rules and they give out punishments' but these days more fathers arehands-onwhich means they are 'very much involved' in looking after and bringing up their children. NeilWell, that's all we have time for today. Join us again next time and remember you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and of course our website BBClearningenglish.com. See you soon. Goodbye! CatherineBye!


admit to somethingsay something is true, even if it might make you look a little bit badto be keen on somethingto be very interested in and enthusiastic about somethinggoing along with somethingagreeing to do something even though you don't really want to do itan absent fathera father who is not at home to spend time with his childrendisciplinarianspeople who have strict rules and they give out punishments when these rules aren't followedto be hands-onto be very much involved in something



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